
180+ feedback in total
评分 5.0

Y Liu
“赢了”两个字何其承重,在此深深为Sean Li(李律师)和Vivian律师致谢!历时两半的离婚财产官司诉讼,每一步都走得何其艰辛!当我们成为受害人,是因为我们并不知道对方是个人渣,就更不会提前收集整理每一个证据。在这种先天不足的情况下,又被一些光面堂皇的律师所忽悠掉一些律师费之后,我几乎对人间正义不抱希望。就在离财产诉讼失效期仅剩一个月的时间里,转机出现,我认识了李律师,我在其它留言区里也见到了大家对他的评价。他除了大脑睿智、思维敏捷、个性沉稳,有过硬的专业知识之外,最让我感动的是具有“猎犬”一样的精神,丝毫不夸张,我举几个例:
恶梦终于过去,再次致谢Sean Li和 Vianan(Vianan身上折射着李律师影子)感谢你们!也致谢张律师,致谢博通所的每一个客户至上的律师精英们!
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Y Li
三年多以前, 我弟弟在悉尼工作时, 遭到无端指控,被迫对薄公堂。这件事给我们全家人,造成了巨大压力。我弟弟作为遵纪守法的老实人,在家里是个好兄弟, 好父亲, 好丈夫, 总是吃苦在前,享受在后, 亲戚朋友, 甚至邻居,都知道他是个老实厚道的人。可就是这样一个好人, 偏偏遭遇不幸, 被人诬告。我弟弟的委屈, 家里人的担忧,对澳洲法律的陌生,经济上的窘迫,一切一切,就像几座大山一样, 压在全家人的头上。大家在一起的时候, 不是唉声叹气,就是眉头紧锁,一筹莫展。为了打这个官司, 我们全家人一起出动,几乎把悉尼的所有能做刑事诉讼的律师事务所都拜访了一遍。万幸的是, 我们找到我们命中的贵人--博通律师事务所( Broaden Legal)的律师, Andrea Song。从那以后, 我们就在希望和信心中, 在宋律师全心全意,高效专业的法律支援下, 赢得了这场几近三年半的诉讼。
作为基督徒, 我知道宋律师的出现, 并非偶然。上帝总是把最好的安排交给我们。我们家人一直祷告, 盼望有神迹出现,让上帝拣选一个充满爱心的律师来帮助我们,打赢这场官司, 给我弟弟, 我们家带来光明。而宋律师的出现, 就是上帝回应了其信徒的祈求的一个最好的例证。在我们和宋律师相处的岁月里, 她始终就像一个家里人一样, 处处为我们着想。当时, 由于被迫应诉, 我弟弟从精神到身体上都承受了巨大的压力, 根本不能再继续工作,面对不确定的法律费用,经济上有巨大压力。宋律师在了解我们家里的困境之后, 给我们一个几乎是法律援助价格的收费, 而且数次帮助我们与大律师沟通, 解释我们当时的经济窘境,大大降低了收费标准。这个巨大帮助,我们感恩戴德, 没齿不忘。这充分体现了宋律师的仁慈和爱心!
宋律师更是一个专业和勤奋的律师。除了她流利的英文和缜密的逻辑思维之外, 在中国和澳洲的法律经历造就了她是一个尽管年轻,但经验丰富的法律高人。起初刚接手我们的案子的时候, 就发现她能一针见血的找到诉讼的关键点。而据此制定的庭上庭外的策略就能行走在正确的轨道之上。面对千变万化的庭审场面,黑箱一般的陪审团,她都能准确的判断形势,及时调整战术, 从容不迫防守的同时 也主动出击,冲其要害。宋律师在文件准备, 收集证据,庭审策略,影响法官,启发陪审团等等, 都显示出她是一个具有丰富经验的和专业知识的优秀律师。同时, 她的勤奋和敬业也深深的感动了我们全家, 好几次由于时间紧迫, 需要调整和再丰富材料, 她都吃住在办公室。 这样的无私忘我,努力拼搏的律师被我们遇到, 真是我们的荣幸和幸运!更是我们作为在澳洲生活的华人需要法律支持时的最好选择!
Read More F H
I am immensely thankful to Sean Li and his team for their exceptional assistance during my family court case. Prior to choosing Sean, I consulted with several lawyers, but what truly set him apart was his compassionate approach and unwavering dedication during a time when I felt most vulnerable. While others seemed focused on painting a bleak picture and claiming that I am doomed, and they are the only ones who can save me. His team's professionalism was evident in their provision of factual guidance, ensuring I was well-informed throughout the process. Moreover, his accessibility for advice over the phone, even during weekends when I had to make decisions in the best interest of my children, was invaluable.
Read More Y J
Sean li is the best solicitor I ever meet. He is very professional, and look after the client's interest and give the best advise. I have been badly fooled from the other solicitor and lose a big money. So I have the experience to know which lawyer is good for u. Highly recommend them to protect ur right!
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Q Liu
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I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the exceptional legal support provided by Attorney Xiang Li during a challenging period of unjust termination by my employer.
From the outset, Xiang Li demonstrated a profound commitment to my case, offering invaluable guidance and strategic advice. His expertise not only empowered me but also ensured that I maintained a strong position throughout the negotiation process with my employer.
Xiang Li's unwavering dedication and attention to detail became evident as he navigated the complexities of my situation. His ability to assertively advocate for my rights allowed me to take control of the negotiations, ultimately securing a favorable compensation package.
I am truly grateful for Attorney Xiang Li's professionalism, legal acumen, and steadfast support during this difficult time. His exceptional skills not only brought about a satisfactory resolution but also provided me with a sense of justice and closure.
I wholeheartedly recommend Attorney Xiang Li to anyone seeking legal representation. His unwavering commitment to his clients and remarkable legal prowess make him an outstanding advocate in navigating employment-related challenges.
Jonathan Ding
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Strongly recommended. First of all, I need to say a big THANK YOU to Sean and Vivian who are providing constant assistance to my case. With their help, I won the lawsuit - the defendant need to return all my money.
I consulted many lawyers before I chose Sean Li. I trusted him straight away after the first consultation, as he provided me the most constructive legal advice and gave me confidence to sue the defendant. He is also the most responsive and patient solicitor that I have ever met. It is my first time to deal with lawsuit in Australia and I am dealing with the toughest and trickiest type of defendant ever. Sean and Vivian patiently explained all the legal actions they were intending to conduct. Besides, they also respected my requests and my thoughts.
Moreover, Sean and Vivian are also very considerate in terms of the solicitors' fee. Firstly, they avoided redundant legal actions and dealt with my case efficiently. Secondly, they listed all the details about their charge and informed me by emails before their actions. If I need legal advice in the future, I will definitely choose Sean and Broaden Legal again.
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C Wang
Truly honest and efficient legal service from solicitor Sean Li and his team who work hard to find the best legal solution for me. I’ve changed 3 laywer firms for my case. Eventually I found Sean, the right one working from what I really want to achieve not from what the solicitor want to press on the client as a lot of other lawyers did. Reasonable clearly cost make the efficient legal service more affordable and valuable.
Read More J Fang
我之前和别人发生了肢体冲突,最后被警察控告普通袭击,然后是在另外一家知名的华人律师所认识的宋律师(Andrea Song)。第一次见面就被她的认真的态度,丰富的经验,特别是总会站在客户的真正利益着想的特点所折服。所以之后她自己出来开律师楼,碰巧我的案件被partial heard, 我就干脆转到了她新的律师楼。之后我的案件经历了4次聆讯,每次宋律师都会在开庭前给我以及我的证人见面开会准备,然后提前给我准备好她觉得性价比最高的出庭大律师,和大律师沟通,陪我出席每一次庭审。是她给了我信心一直走下去,熬过了漫长的2年,最后拿到最好的无罪的结果。我们也因此成为了朋友。
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L Wang
非常感谢Sean li 的帮助。因为英文不好专门找的华人律所。我的案子比较复杂,中途经历了2个律师,最后找到了李律师,他对我的案件超级负责,专业,而且他本人情商高,水准高,中途没有任何员工介入,都是李律师和我对接,帮我分析案件,找突破口。这样对我的案件帮助非常大。现在终于迎来了胜利。非常感谢李律师。
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N Shi
非常非常感谢Andrea Song律师在这一年多对我的帮助和精神上的支持!如果没有你的帮助和支持我没办法胜诉更没办法从过去阴暗的经历里走出来 在过去的面对起诉的一年 我每天都无比痛苦 不断面临着变态前任的骚扰 每天的绝望和每况愈下的精神状态让我每天都状态紧绷 自杀是我脑海里常有的事 谢谢你Andrea 在那段时间里对我的精神支持 在我难过崩溃的时候不停的开导我给了我希望 也让我有了继续活下去的希望和坚强面对这件事的勇气和信心
2022年6.23号 我可能永远都忘不了这一天 我胜诉了我拿到了精神科的申请 所有的9项指控全部被撤销 我知道这一切都是因为Andrea Song律师对我案子的悉心准备 我心里真的是说不出的感谢是你让我的生活重新回到正轨让我有机会可以实现我在澳洲继续完成学业和继续跟小朋友工作的梦想❤️
Andrea YYDS给你疯狂打call!!
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S Zhang
Their Partner and Senior Solicitor, Sean Li, recently helped me to arrange and sort out some of my family issues, which include asset allocation and management over various states inside Australia and overseas. With his support, my assets, and so my benefits, were well-protected under the Australian Family Law Acts in a timely manner.
Therefore, I strongly recommend Sean Li and his team at Broaden Legal for family laws-related matters. He and the team are very professional, helpful, knowledgeable, empathetic and patient in listening to clients' requests.
I am truly grateful for his professional advice and services.
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J Zhu
For an everyday citizen like myself, being involved in court cases can be daunting, stressful, and can cause disruption to my normal life.
Prior to coming across Andrea and her team at Broaden Legal, I conducted my own research on various law firms. What made me decide to work with Broaden Legal is the way their team conducted themselves, which comes across as extremely professional and dedicated. Upon the initial consultation, Andrea and her team took their time to understand my situation. They were able to clearly identify the pros and cons of the case and provided a transparent listing of their fee structure.
Unlike many other law firms I came across along the way who asked for an upfront payment before I can even get a word in.
My case took over 15 months, during which I was required to personally attend court three times. At each instance, Andrea and her team took their time to fully prepare me for any potential situations that may arise on the day. The team was able to pre-determine the questions that could come up and pinpoint each attendee's personality, articulating their court notes to fulfill any uncertainty. Although I was nervous, I was also confident, given the pre-work the team had done. Their tireless effort and dedication paid off in the end. It was a great win!
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Andrea and her team. Thank you for your professionalism, patience, applying that extra bit of human touch and wise advice. You have brought justice back to me, and I’m confident the firm will flourish and excel under your management and leadership.
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U Stone
We strongly recommend this lawyer firm to construction related companies and factories that you will receive a professional service for your legal requirement and service with reasonable charge. We are so happy to have this lawyer firm to be our legal advice support too.
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H Pan
I was impressed by how good Sean is. Tried different lawyers and Sean is definitely one of the best! He used his expertise help us avoid lots of potential issues during the commercial lease negotiation process. Responsive and efficient! Highly recommend Sean!
Read More J Shen
在此特别感谢Sean Li, 为李律师的专业,负责,与靠谱。因为妈妈离婚的事情见过不少律师,大部分在忽悠,想方设法的掏钱,李律师收费公开透明,办多少事收多少钱,耐心解释,回答问题,家庭法方面的问题强烈推荐李律师。
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S Ya
Solicitor Song (Andrea) is an expert for domestic violence cases. I was surprised by her accurate analysis about my case in the first consultation, and decided to entrust her as my lawyer immediately.
There are too many law firms in Sydney but the truth is not everyone is reliable. I highly recommend Andrea Song being your lawyer if you were charged unfairly, not only because her professionalism, but also the attitude of responsibility towards her clients.
Well. It is a tricky situation. She is a very good lawyer but I don’t want to be her client anymore 😂. Solicitor Song, I promise you that I will never get involved in domestic violence in the future.
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F Xue
Lawyer Li of the law firm is patient and responsible. After more than two months of unremitting efforts, he finally helped us to recover the 200,000 project payment owed to us by XX Company. I would like to thank him and his colleagues for their hard work. Attorney Li, they are very professional.
Read More 博通律师事务所获得大量客户真实好评。博通悉尼家庭法律师,刑法律师和诉讼律师多次为客户争取到应得的利益,获得大量客户好评和推荐。博通律师以为客户取得最佳结果是博通最高目标。博通律师的声誉建立于成功的结果之上。博通是年度家庭法和刑法律师事务所。博通律师成功的基础是口碑以及声誉。为客户取得最佳结果是博通最高目标。
