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If you have been served with an application for an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO), you can:

• ask for an adjournment to get legal advice

• give the Court an undertaking

• consent (agree) to the AVO (with or without admissions)

• make a cross application

• oppose the application

• ask for a Property Recovery Order

• do nothing. 

If you are under 18 years of age, your case will be dealt with differently. For more information, see AVOs against children.

If you have also been charged with a criminal offence, for example assault, when you go to court you will need to respond to the AVO and the criminal charge. For more information, see Charges and AVOs.

If you were served with an AVO application and you do nothing the Court may:

• make an AVO against you, or

• issue a warrant for your arrent.  

If the Court makes an AVO against you, it can include orders about contact between you and your children. The Court can make these orders even if the applicant doesn't ask for them. 

The Court must issue a warrant for your arrest if the personal safety of the protected person will be put at risk if you are not arrested and brought to court. The Court can issue a warrant for your arrest even if you haven't been charged with a crime. 

Before you decide to do nothing, you should get legal advice. 

If the Court makes an AVO against you when you are not at court, you can apply to have it annulled (cancelled) within 2 years of the date of the order being made. 

For more information about getting an AVO annulled, see Appeals and annulments.

