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无论是好是坏,博通在澳洲悉尼的家庭法律师(离婚律师)会告诉你事情的真相,并告诉你还可以做点什么。 更换律师比您想象的要简单。如果您觉得:

1. Your solicitor is not an solicitor (divorce lawyer) who specializes in family law;

2, 您的律师缺乏庭审经验;3, 您的案子没有一个深思熟虑的策略,

4, your solicitor does not understand your case and is not prepared to go to court.

5, your current solicitor is a friend of the other side.

6. your opinion is not considered seriously by your solicitor.

7, Your case is not progressing, Your solicitor's fees are not transparent and are always over budget.

You should consider changing solicitors, and if you currently have a solicitor but you don't know your strategy, then this should be a wake-up call. Developing a strategy is key to your success. Your family law file belongs to you, not your solicitor. If you have paid all of your bills, they must hand over documents related to your case. Remember, you only get one chance to divide property and fight for custody, and once the court makes a final order or a legally binding agreement is signed, it is usually too late. 


没有人比您自己更了解您案件的事实,因此如果需要任何信息,您自己就是获得该信息的最佳来源。 您可以打电话并征求我们家庭法专家律师(离婚律师)的意见。我们提供免费电话讨论看看我们是否能为您提供帮助。所以即使只是为了让自己放心,也值得给我们打电话。电话之后见面咨询我们将收取咨询费用。但我们不收取您之前的律师(或您)提供给我们的文件和文件的阅读费用,以便我们能够加快处理速度您的问题及时咨询。 


相关链接(Relevant Links):联邦巡回与家庭法院 法律援