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如果儿童在澳大利亚境内被错误带走,您可以紧急向家事法庭提出“申请定位和恢复令”。每年都有许多儿童被错误地带离澳大利亚。如果他们被转移到“关于国际绑架儿童的海牙公约”的缔约国,父母可以通过有效的程序确保将孩子送回澳大利亚。 《海牙公约》总体上寻求确保儿童留在他们惯常居住的国家。中央机构(社区服务部的一个部门)通常协助各方处理这些类型的申请。但是,如果儿童被错误地转移到一个非《海牙公约》缔约国的国家,那么让他们返回就更复杂了。您将需要联系专业家庭法律师(离婚律师)以讨论最佳的前进方式。

Child support

子女抚养费是指父母(或其中之一)为子女的食物、衣服、学费、私人医疗保险、课外活动等费用支付的经济款项。您和您的 […]


离婚独立于财产分配和抚养权分配。离婚是您婚姻的合法终结。一旦离婚获得批准,您有自离婚之日起 12 个月的时间(事实婚姻有2年)来去家庭法院上庭申请财产分配或配偶赡养费。出于这个原因,我们建议您在解决(或至少开始)您的财产分割案件之前不要申请离婚。


You should seek the consent of the other party's parents before relocating. If the other party's parents do not agree, you will need to apply to the family court for permission to relocate. We recommend carefully considering what will happen in the proposed new residence so that you can convince the court that you have made adequate arrangements for the child's housing, education, etc. Additionally, you will need to demonstrate to the court that you have arranged proper contact with the other party's parents to avoid unduly depriving them of time with the child. Like all parenting issues, the family court will consider what is in the best interests of the child, but the court will also give due regard to the wishes and circumstances of the parents.

